Doors Can Be Knocked Down ….

I spoke at Amazon yesterday. Sharing my story of rejection, putting on a suit and pretending to go to work, the book deal I gave myself, my blonde alter-ego alias, signing a “real” 3 book deal with HarperCollins, booking a theatre and putting on a one woman show because no one was interested in a show about a 50-something Asian woman (show was later optioned for television), adapting that show into a novel and turning down a fourth book deal to go solo (no blonde alias this time round 💁‍♀️ ).

What I shared is that:

There will always be obstacles but there is always a way and there are different ways of unlocking doors. You just need to persevere and find yours.

Just as I was leaving I came across beautifully painted doors hung on the wall. Apparently, when Jeff Bezos started Amazon because he used to work off a desk-door as there was no money. He certainly found his way from that desk door 🙂

📅 Unravelling is out 27th September, 2024. May you find your door and your way. #Keepgoing


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